Name a Virus...

- COVID-10
- Coronavirus
- Influenza
A disease that can be transmitted to humans from animal is ......
- zoonotic
- stenotic
- hypotic
people who do not show any signs of a given disease are...
- asymptomaic
- unsymptomaic
- unskympatheic
Name a disease of the following...
- coronavirus
- COVID-19
- SARS-CoV-2
She is happy to learn that her father tested...............for this coronavirus.
- positive
- negative
- successfully
Quarantine comes from...
- the fraction quarter
- the term guarantee
- the number 40
Having shown sysmptoms she was adviced to ................. for 14 days.
- self-isolate
- stay in home
- quarantine
Which one is most widespread out of the following?
- an epidemic
- a pandemic
- an outbreak
SARS-CoV-2 can...............human beings.
- infect
- effexct
- defect
A person with symptoms of a disease.......................that disease.
- may have
- cannot have
- has