Final Result of UPSC Civil Services 2019 announced at, 829 candidates qualify and the Result of 11 candidates withheld

Final Result of UPSC Civil Services 2019 announced at, 829 candidates qualify and the result of 11 candidates withheld

Qualified candidates can download the UPSC provisional appointment list of candidates online at

Here's the list of UPSC 2019 toppers'Here's the list of UPSC 2019 toppers'

1. Pradeep Singh

2. Jatin Kishore

3. Pratibha Verma

4. Himanshu Jain

5. Jeydev C S

6. Vishakha Yadav

7. Ganesh Kumar Baskar

8. Abhishek Saraf

9. Ravi Jain

10. Sanjita Mohapatra

Click here to see a complete list of candidates who have qualified UPSC Civil Services exams 2019


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