Idioms with Meaning and Use

 According to Cambridge dictionary an idiom is — a group of words in a fixed order that has a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own:

Idiom Meaning Use
in a huff feeling angry and upset 

When Tom criticized his art, Dick left in a huff.

Beat around the bush Avoiding a subject by talking about irrelevant things.

 I wish my manager should stop beating around the bush and tell me what he really opine of my idea of sale.

wear many hats to have many jobs or roles He wears many hats: he's an engineer, a teacher, and a social worker.

Kangaroo Court

an unofficial; court set up by people

especially in a prison, trade union, or other organization, to deal with a disagreement or with a member of the group who is considered to have broken the rules of people
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