Early Inventions by Indians

Indian mathematician Aryabhata invented Zero 

Acharya Pingala, a Sanskrit scholar, and an Indian Mathematician first used the Sanskrit word 'Sunya', referred to as Zero. The word 'Sunya' means void or empty. It is believed that the first text to use the decimal place value system(including zero) was first used in Jain text or Cosmology named 'Lokavibhaga'.

India invented the decimal system in 100 BC, 

A decimal (or denary) system is a numeral system that has the number ten as its base(base 10). In 2600 BC, the Indus Valley Civilization includes the earliest known physical use of decimal fractions in the ancient weight system. In 100–200 BC, The Satkhandagama is written in India—the earliest use of decimal logarithms.

Baudhayana is the genius who calculated the value of Pi. He was an Indian. 235.

The Baudhāyana sūtras (Sanskrit: बौधायन) are a group of Vedic Sanskrit texts which cover dharma, daily ritual, and mathematics and are one of the oldest Dharma-related texts of Hinduism that have survived into the modern age from the 1st-millennium BCE. They belong to the Taittiriya branch of the Krishna Yajurveda school and are among the earliest texts of the genre.—Wikipedia

It was in 700 BC the World’s first university was established in Takshashila. About 10500 students from across the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda was built in the 4th century and was one of the greatest achievements of ancient Indians in the field of Education.

Ayurveda is the first stem of medicine that originated in India. 

Ayurveda is one of the oldest yet most modern and influential oriental medicines. The history of Ayurveda in India began in 1500 BC 



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