10 significant events that occurred on February 27 throughout history

10 significant events that occurred on February 27 throughout history

 10 significant events that occurred on February 27 throughout history:

In 837, Halley's Comet had its 15th recorded perihelion passage.

In 1526, Saxony and Hesse formed the League of Gotha, a Protestant alliance.

In 1531, the Schmalkaldic League was established by a group of Protestant German towns.

In 1557, the first Russian embassy arrived in London.

In 1700, the Pacific Island of New Britain was discovered by William Dampier, an English explorer.

In 1801, Washington D.C. was placed under Congressional jurisdiction.

In 1933, Germany's parliament building, the Reichstag, was set on fire, leading to the suspension of civil liberties and the rise of the Nazi party.

In 1951, the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, limiting U.S. presidents to two terms.

In 1991, President George H. W. Bush declared the Gulf War over, after Iraq agreed to the ceasefire terms.

In 2010, a magnitude-8.8 earthquake struck Chile, causing widespread damage and triggering a tsunami that devastated coastal areas, leaving more than 500 people dead and thousands injured.

These are just some of the notable events that occurred on February 27 throughout history.


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